"Dreamer, Cosmic Muses" is a compilation of songs crafted between 2019 and 2021 in Boulder, CO, encapsulating a precious chapter of my life rich with adventure and love that I will never forget. These melodies delve into the profound nuances of our shared experiences, reflecting the intricate tapestry of existence.
As a lifelong daydreamer, I often grappled with the place of dreaming within the framework of my professional life, not always feeling that dreaming was safe in the context of living in such a practical and linear world. Yet, with the passage of time, I have come to recognize the invaluable power of my vivid imagination and the significance of dreaming itself.
Today, I embrace dreaming as a cherished practice, finding myself immersed in the reality I once envisioned—a life rich with creativity and possibility.
"Dreamer" speaks to the visionary spirit within us all. May you always hold your dreams close, nurturing them as transformative catalysts that guide you toward the realization of your highest potential.
From and through the eternity of the cosmos comes the incredible dream of the manifest. An effortless and endless multidimensional manifestation of form. This song was written for all the dreamers. A reminder to trust in the innate power of awakened consciousness and to taste what it is to draw from the invisible, the endless and eternal play of creation. May you trust and believe beyond the dream while in the dream.

Written while feeling into the energy of Colorado on a still subzero morning. A deep stillness, a profound calm, an eternal quietude, a resonance of serenity in the frozen world amidst great global energetic flux and shift. Crystalin is a tribute to the constance, stability, energy and beauty of crystals of all kinds, rock and ice.
This is, "In the Dreamtime" to remind us of how important it is to be present with the mysterious and magical night hours. We spend a significant portion of our lives exploring the beyond through dreaming. This is a very powerful and important time in which we grace the world of spirit and are given guidance if we so choose to listen to the many stories of the dream time. They are lessons from the divine. Please use this song as a portal to enter into the nocturnal as you receive your dream time whispers.

Love is the water of life. And a lover is a soul of fire. The universe turns differently when fire loves water.” - Rumi
Think of a moment that you have felt ignited in your life. A moment where all the stars had aligned and you felt so deeply at home, so inspired, supported and ready to launch into the stratosphere of your life.

Soaring as a metaphor for what it is to live fully, honoring and facing your raw true nature, your deepest essence, the light and the dark, ALL that is, in total unconditional loving awareness. NOW... Open your eyes even wider, more present, clear, humble, focused light... seeing for infinity and beyond. A primal energy runs through your veins, you feel your ancestors, grateful for the life they've lived. Breathing light and energy through your unique vehicle, your sacred temple, as you become more aware of the grand mystery, the universal vibrations of love felt by ALL. We are the collective. The absolutely miraculous, deep, wide and beautiful vastness. The power of the cosmos is with you, it is YOU. Expanding, opening, enlivening every cell of your being. Trusting in the unknown. You are the most sacred, you are the trees, the star dust, the earth, wind, fire and water.
Think of a moment that you have felt ignited in your life. A moment where all the stars had aligned and you felt so deeply at home, so inspired, supported and ready to launch into the stratosphere of your life.

Think of a moment that you have felt ignited in your life. A moment where all the stars had aligned and you felt so deeply at home, so inspired, supported and ready to launch into the stratosphere of your life.
Think of a moment that you have felt ignited in your life. A moment where all the stars had aligned and you felt so deeply at home, so inspired, supported and ready to launch into the stratosphere of your life.

Think of a moment that you have felt ignited in your life. A moment where all the stars had aligned and you felt so deeply at home, so inspired, supported and ready to launch into the stratosphere of your life.